Examples of Energy Waste in Our Daily Home Lives in Jupiter, FL; Stop Vampire Power & More

It is easy to imagine how large appliances such as air conditioners, washers, dryers, dishwashers and refrigerators can consume huge amounts of power. These major appliances do make up the majority of your power bill. However, many homeowners are surprised to learn that power draining devices in the home are actually wasting energy and adding to your bill unnecessarily. Simon Electric will share what devices are adding to your monthly bill and what you can do to save on power.

Common Causes of Electricity Wastage in Homes

Gaming Consoles – Many modern gaming consoles have a standby mode which is designed to help prevent power waste. In most cases, if a gaming console is left on over a period of time without use, it will turn off to help save on power. However, it is also common for the standby mode to fail or take too long to switch off which leads to excessive power usage that does affect your energy conception. Make sure to turn off and even unplug your gaming console if possible before putting the games up for the night.
DVRs or Set-Top Boxes – A Set-Top box or DVR can consume the same amount of energy as a refrigerator. So many people will leave these devices running for quicker use. However they are sucking down power even when you have them shut off. For set-top boxes or DVRs, it is recommended to simply unplug the system to stop them from drawing energy. You will be surprised on how much your power bill will reduce simply by unplugging these devices.
Ceiling Fans – Ceiling fans can help keep your home cooler during those hotter summer months and circulate air all year long. However, when you’re not at home or not occupying a room, turn the ceiling fans off. They do provide more comfort while you’re in the room. However, when you’re not home or not in a room while they are running, they are just adding to your waste. To help save energy, make sure you turn off ceiling fans when you’re not home or occupying a certain room.
Phones and Tablets – Hand held devices such as Ipads, cell phones, and tablets are a common part of modern life and they require frequent recharging. However how many times have you just left your phone or device in the charger even though it has reached 100%? Once a battery is fully charged they will continue to draw in energy and waste the power you’re paying for. Additionally, most device battery storage gets reduced when the battery is left charging too often. To help save on your home energy usage, check your devices and once they are fully charged, unplug them.

Residential Electrical Wiring & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

Go through your home and start looking at what is wasting energy and ways to help reduce power waste. In most cases you can simply unplug electrical items that are not needed to run constantly to save on energy. To help reduce power waste and lower your utility bills, follow the suggestions outlined above. If you need help with your home, marine and commercial electrical systems, contact Simon Electric today.

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