Ways to Reduce Electricity Consumption & Energy Waste in Your Palm Springs, FL Home

Nobody wants to be paying for more energy than they need to. Reducing your energy consumption is not only a good way to save money, it is also a great way to make your home more eco-friendly. If you are looking for ways to reduce your energy consumption each month, Simon Electric is here with some tips to help you accomplish it.

Replace Old Appliances

If your appliances are over ten years old, they are probably not near as energy efficient as newer models. Your refrigerator, furnace, dryers and A/C units are the biggest energy sucking appliances in your home. Not only will you get savings monthly on your bill, but many of these carry rebates when you replace them with newer models from your electric company.

Install Dimmer Switches

On average, you will spend about 12 percent of your energy bill on the lights in your home. If you have dimmer switches and light occupancy sensors installed in your home, you can bring that number way down.

Adjust Temperature on Hot Water Heater

You can see savings with your hot water heater as well. Turn the temperature down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit and that will drastically reduce your energy consumption. Not only that, but you should be taking shorter showers and avoiding running a bath to reduce cost as well. When you leave town on vacation, completely shut off your hot water heater so that you aren’t wasting energy there.

Unplug Appliances & Electronics When Not in Use

Everything that is plugged into an outlet is using energy. This includes chargers and other items that you wouldn’t think are using any energy when they aren’t actually plugged in. This is known as vampire energy loads. This adds about 5 percent to your energy bill each year. Following are some of the most common things that are using up energy for no reason.

  • Phone & other electronic chargers
  • Microwaves
  • TV’s & DVD players
  • Gaming consoles
  • Computers
  • Anything else that has a clock or adapter on it

Utilize Alexa, Siri or Google Home

Switching over to a smart power strip like Alexa, Google Home or Siri will help to decrease the amount of energy that you use. They work to eliminate vampire energy drains, power surges and overloads. Luckily, none of these are very expensive and a great way to save yourself some money on monthly energy costs. They can be linked with your television, gaming systems, lights and more so that they are on an automated schedule and can turn these things on and off extremely fast.

Residential, Commercial Electrical & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

If you are facing electrical problems in your home, there isn’t anything that the experts at Simon Electric can’t handle. With our extensive knowledge and experience, we can help you with any electrical installation and repairs that you stand in need of. Call us today!

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