When Should You Replace Your Electrical Panel in Palm Beach Gardens, FL; Breakers Keep Tripping & More

Unless you live in a fairly new house, there is a good chance that your home isn’t equipped to handle the electrical loads that you are demanding of it. The electrical panels of old weren’t ever designed to handle all the electronics that we use in our everyday life. When your electrical panel is having a difficult time keeping up, there will be several signs that are present and indicate so. Simon Electric is here to talk about some of the signs that indicate your electrical panel needs to be upgraded.

Multiple Breakers Keep Tripping

No one wants to go to turn on the lights and find that the circuit has been tripped. The circuits in your electrical panel are there to disconnect the electricity when they sense a power surge. This protects your delicate electronics as well as your appliances from sustaining permanent damage due to power surges. As your electrical penal gets older though, you will see that the circuits are more easily tripped. Breakers also trip on a more frequent basis when your electrical panel is overloaded and unable to carry the electrical loads that you’re demanding of it. If you notice that your breakers are constantly tripping, you need to call a professional to see if your panel needs to be upgraded.

Circuit Breakers Won’t Click Back On

Most of the time, when a breaker in your home is tripped, all you have to do is go and flip the switch. Then you should be able to resume as normal. When you reset the breaker only to see that it doesn’t reset long enough for you to do what you were trying to do in the first place, it could be a problem. It means you are likely dealing with a faulty panel that should be looked at by a professional right away.

Flickering Lights

When you turn on an appliance you shouldn’t see any lights flickering in your home. When the lights are flickering, this is a sign that your electrical panel is overloaded. It usually happens when you are powering up high voltage appliances like your air conditioning system or furnace. Updating your electrical panel would give you better power management and boost your safety.

Electrical Panel Caught Fire

Fire is something you never want to see inside your home. When there are signs that small fires are present around your electrical panel, you need to act quickly. You probably won’t be able to see the actual flames because the fires come and go so quickly, but you will probably be able to smell them and see charred looking wires going into the panel. This requires professional attention immediately.

Electrical Inspections, Repair & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

If you have any of the above signs of an electrical panel that needs to be upgraded in your home, you can call on the professionals at Simon Electric to help you get to the bottom of the problem. Call us today!

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