Are Christmas Lights a Hazard in Ocean Ridge, FL? Avoid Overloading Circuits, Indoor VS Outdoor Lighting & More

The holidays are filled with gingerbread look alike houses that are covered in twinkling lights and a variety of other holiday decorations. While these lights and other accessories bring Christmas cheer for all the world to see and even sometimes hear, they can bring with them some hazards that many homeowners don’t think about. Simon Electric is here to share some of the top holiday electrical hazards to help you stay safe this holiday season.

Can You Use Indoor Lights Outside?

Not all lights are made for both indoor and outdoor usage. If the lights you are putting on your home don’t say that they are outdoor or indoor/outdoor lights, then you shouldn’t be putting them on the outside of your home. These lights may not be waterproof and pose an electrical hazard. Likewise, you shouldn’t put outdoor Christmas lights on your indoor Christmas tree as they could end up catching the tree on fire.

Only Use Extension Cords in Good Condition

Just like your Christmas lights, you should make sure you aren’t using any indoor extension cords outside. They aren’t rated for the elements that come with the outdoors. Give all extension cords you use a visual inspection before using them. Look for any fraying that could pose a danger to your home and those you love. If they have any sign of damage, move on and choose a different one to get the job done.

Avoid Overloading Outlets & Circuits

Many of us have several different decorations that are plugged into the same outlet. This is fine as long as you aren’t overloading the outlet. If you are using LED lights, this shouldn’t be a problem unless you have a significant number of strands plugged in at once. If you are using incandescent lights, you need to be more careful. Overloading the outlet can put you at risk of an electrical fire.

Don’t Damage String Lights When Hanging

There are many different ways to attach Christmas lights to your house. Some of these methods are safer than others. No matter the method you are using, you need to be careful not to damage the wiring on the string of lights during the process. For instance, you don’t want to send a staple through the wire as you try your hardest to get it to stay up on your house. It’s always best to use clips and draping techniques as opposed to using things like staplers to get your lights up. If you do end up using a stapler, make sure you are clearing the wire completely to avoid piercing it.

Electrician, Electrical Contractor & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

If you have any electrical issues in your home, you can call on the electricians at Simon Electric to help you get them fixed. It doesn’t matter if you are dealing with a large or small issue, you can count on us to take care of it for you. Call us today!

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