Buying a House with Aluminum Wiring in Royal Palm Beach, FL; Differences of Copper Cables & More

There are always different methods, techniques, and strategies applied among competitors in any industry, including the variations in the electrical industry. Some may try innovative methods only to later realize it was not an idea, depending on how electricians were trained and the experience they have. Where a lot of the different applications can cause performance differences, others can have far worse negative impacts. The wiring in your home can be derived of copper or aluminum wiring. There is a major difference in safety and performance between the two options and today, we at Simon Electric, LLC would like to take the opportunity to discuss the differences of aluminum and copper wiring in your Florida home or business.

Difference Between Aluminum & Copper Cables

Copper is proven to be a far more stable metal, which is the basic and primary difference between aluminum and copper wiring. Before the dangers were realized, aluminum became a cheaper option and because of the severe issues it had in the past, aluminum has become absolute in commercial and residential buildings.

How Bad is Aluminum Wiring in a House?

Briefly in the 1960’s, there was a lot of pressure to use aluminum wiring as opposed to the traditional copper wiring. The shift in the materials occurred when we were experiencing copper shortages and the cost made it far costlier. As a much cheaper wiring replacement for copper, the construction of many track style homes used aluminum wiring. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission however, discovered in 1973 the high dangers of aluminum wiring posed. Being that up to 1973 across the nation aluminum wiring was still used in homes and businesses, the danger is still there.

Thermal Expansion & Oxidation of Aluminum Wiring

There are two common and more dangerous issues with aluminum wiring; heat expansion and oxidation, though there are several others.
Heat Expansion: Heat is a natural enemy to electricity and the increased use of an electrical currents builds, the hotter the material transferring electricity will get. During sustained use it is essential for the metal to be stable though there are several metals capable of transferring electricity. Aluminum becomes less stable the longer electricity is applied on aluminum. The aluminum becomes loose from the connections as this wires creeps and adjusts over time because of the expands and contracts. As a result, the risk of potential fires through short circuits or arcing significantly increases as the aluminum wire possibly disconnects from outlets and switches from sustained use.
Oxidation: When exposed to air, both aluminum and copper wiring will oxidize. Though the connection of the wire is not altered, when copper oxidizes it shifts to a green color. Unfortunately, when aluminum oxidizes, a crust forms over the surface, causing the wire to no longer be conductive, which can contribute electrical arcing and heat buildup. In some instances, the crust can build up to a ¼” thick, causing serious problems.

Electrical Services & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

Should you suspect your Florida home or business is equipped with aluminum wiring, call Simon Electric, LLC today and we will inspect your home or business. If aluminum wiring is present, we can discuss replacement options. Contact us today!

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