Electrical Problem of Lights Flickering & Dimming in One Room of Your Ocean Ridge, FL House?

When lights in your home begin to flicker, it can quickly become distracting and annoying. However, this is also a sign of electrical problems. There are a few reasons as to why lights may begin to flicker. Some can jeopardize the safety of your home. When you have flickering it is important to discover the cause and find a solution to the problem. Simon Electric will explain what can cause lights to flicker and what steps you can take to repair the problem.

What Causes Lights to Flicker & Dim?

Almost all lights will actually flicker once in a while. However, it happens so fast it doesn’t register to the human eye. The flicker will get more dramatic depending on how much power is coming into the line to your home. When lights flash irregularly, this is a sign of a bad connection to the power. If flickering occurs when another electrical device is being used, for example a hair dryer, this is a result of a problem with the power supply. Another common problem is that inefficient amperage isn’t reaching your home’s air conditioner unit. When the air conditioner is running, it can cause the lights to flicker, draining the energy from the lights themselves. Often there could be a problem with the light bulb socket. If there is damage to the wiring system in the socket, the bulbs may flicker or not work at all. The last cause for flickering lights is with the circuit that feeds power to the lights. Due to erosion, pests or even hardware, the circuit line can easily get damaged.

Troubleshooting Flickering Lights

Troubleshooting flickering lights can pose a challenge. In most cases it will take an electrician to come and diagnose the issue. Additionally, it may also depend on which light bulbs you’re using. If you have an older light fixture, switching to modern LED bulbs can sometime be the cause of the flickering. Then there are fluorescent light bulbs that need more output of energy. You can start by changing the light bulbs to see if that corrects the flickering. If that doesn’t work you may need the help of an electrician that can follow the flow of energy and determine if there is a problem with the wiring, circuits, or light fixture. You may need to replace an older light fixture or circuit. Worse case is that your home wiring might need to be pulled or reinstalled. However, an electrician can often locate the point the power flow was interrupted and splice in a new section of wiring. If you’re living in an older home, you may need to have your home’s wiring system inspected. The wiring may be outdated and not supplying your home with the needed amperage for modern living. This is common for homes older then the 80’s.

Residential Electrical Lighting, Wiring & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

Even something as simple as flickering lights can pose a major safety concern. If your home is experiencing flickering lights you may want an electrician to come and inspect your home’s electrical system. We can determine the cause of the flickering and even repair the problems before it become a serious concern. For all of your home and commercial electrical needs, contact Simon Electric today!

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