Importance of Whole House Manual Transfer Switch Wiring & Installation for Portable Generator in Atlantis, FL

When you live in an area like we do in Florida, you know that you are going to experience your fair share of storms. That’s why many homeowners make it a priority to have a generator to give them power when they lose it during a hurricane or tropical storm. While having a generator is great, what you need to go hand in hand with your generator is a transfer switch to make using it seamless. Simon Electric is here to talk about transfer switches and why you need one in your home.

Transfer Switch Working Principle

A transfer switch in simple terms is a switch that will allow the power load between two different sources to switch. It is connected to the power box and is a permanent switch. When a transfer switch is installed in your home with a generator, the generator is plugged into it and when the generator is on, the transfer switch changes from grid power over to the generator. It is done so seamlessly, that you almost don’t skip a beat. This is important as the generator is always on standby for the chance to get to work. While it isn’t required to have a transfer switch for a generator, it’s a good idea because you won’t have to use an extension cord.

When is a Transfer Switch Required?

For those that have a generator that is above 5,000 watts, it is highly recommended that you have a transfer switch for safety reasons. Some places will even require that you have it by law. If you don’t know whether or not you live in an area that requires you to have a transfer switch installed with your generator, you can contact the local building code enforcement office to let you know what the requirements are.

Risks of Not Having a Transfer Switch Installed

Some people may have a transfer switch installed simply for convenience, but it goes beyond that. Your transfer switch will keep your home protected against backfeeding the grid. This happens when the main source of power comes back on and the generator is still working. In this case, you will have two power sources feeding into your home. It can cause surge problems and make it dangerous for those that are working on power lines. Here is also the fact that is can catch your home on fire as well.

Automatic & Manual Transfer Switches

There are two types of transfer switches you have to choose from, manual and automatic. You need to decide if you want the power to automatically switch to the generator, or if you want to be in control and turn it on yourself.

Electrical Wiring, Fixture Installation Services & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

If you are in need of a whole house manual transfer switch or automatic transfer switch in your home, you can rely on Simon Electric to get the job done right. Call us today!

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