What to Do in a Power Outage in Loxahatchee Groves, FL; Safely Connect a Portable Generator & More

When you have a problem with something in your house it is a good idea to know what you can do to protect yourself and the item. When it comes to the electrical system in your house it covers a large area. When there is a problem you need to know what you can do to respond to the issue. The majority of issues with the electrical system that occur are not severe and can be repaired by an electrician. This can be a circuit that has tripped or blown. It can be an outlet or fixture that is not working and now needs to be replaced. You want to make sure you take all electrical issues seriously knowing they can be a potential fire risk. One thing you need to be ready to deal with is if you are stuck in a power outage. The power outage is something that often affects an area of the city. It can be from many different reasons that include an electrical box being hit by a car. It can be a storm that rips through the area and causes lines to go down. The power company will start to make the repairs when it is safe to do so. In the meantime it is a good idea to know what you should do. Simon Electric offers helpful tips for what to do in a power outage.

Keep Fridge & Freezer Closed in a Power Outage

The refrigerator on your home is full of foods that have to stay cold or frozen. If they are not kept cold they can spoil and go bad. This can be quite costly for someone and that is why it is a good idea to know how to handle it. The first thing that you can do is to make sure that you keep the door closed at all times. Until the power comes back on it is best to keep the door shut. The fridge is also insulated and that means that it should be able to hold the cooled temperature for some time. The more that you open the door the more the cooled air is being released.

During Power Outage, Turn Off Electronics & Appliances

One of the things that happens when your house is without power is that the appliances and the electronics can be effected. They are suddenly without power and when the power comes back on you might have a problem. The best thing you can do is to go around and turn off the power to the electronics and the appliances. The problem is that if you were using them when the power went off it will come back on when the power is restored. The issue is that this can be a hazard if you are not home when it occurs.

Transfer Switch Installation to Safely Use a Generator

If you are concerned about a power outage in your area you want to look into having a generator installed. This is a great way to not have your life disrupted even when the power does go out in the area. The generator can be set up to turn on when the power goes out from the city or county. The best way to install a generator is to call an electrician who can install a transfer switch and make sure it is set up properly.

Electrical System Inspection, Installation & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

Simon Electric can come out to your house to make sure that your electrical system is in good shape after a power outage. We can also install a transfer switch to safely connect your generator to your power supply without the hazard of using electrical cords. Call us today!

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