Why are the Lights Flickering in My House in Loxahatchee Groves, FL? Is Loose Electrical Wiring a Fire Hazard?

Unless you have put a lightbulb in your home that is meant to flicker, the sight of a flickering light isn’t something that you want to see in your house. There are several reasons you may be experiencing flickering lights in your home. The root of the problem usually depends on the amount of lights that flicker and the frequency at which it happens. Simon Electric is here to talk about some of the potential problems that come with flickering lights.

One Light Bulb Flickering when Turned On

When there is only one light in your home that is flickering, it isn’t so much cause for concern. You could be dealing with a lightbulb that simply needs to be tightened. The socket could also be loose or need to be replaced. This is one of the easiest fixes of all the possibilities we are about to talk about.

Lights Flickering in One Room

If you have noticed that there are several lights flickering in one room, you could be dealing with a larger problem. It is most likely a problem with your home’s circuitry. These are problems that can become dangerous to those in the house if the problem isn’t taken care of. If you notice this problem, you should call a professional electrician right away to address the issue.

Lights Flicker When Appliance Turns On

There are several large appliances in your home that can cause lights to flicker when they turn on. Your refrigerator, washer & dryer, AC or even the oven can add a significant load to your home’s circuit breaker. If you notice that these appliances are causing your lights to flicker, it may be time to upgrade your electrical panel, and it will require the help of an electrician.

Flickering Lights Throughout the House

Finding that you have lights flickering throughout your house is alarming, and for good reason. When this is happening, it means you likely have a much larger problem on your hands with your electrical system. You may have loose conductors for one. All of the issues surrounding multiple lights flickering in your home are a huge cause for concern. They pose a large fire threat and should be dealt with as soon as possible by an electrician.

Are Lights Flickering in House a Fire Hazard

If your lighting issues aren’t solved by tightening the light bulbs in your home, you are likely dealing with bigger issues. When you don’t address electrical issues that are affecting your entire house, it can cause damage to your appliances. Beyond that, you could be facing an issue that puts your home at risk of an electrical fire.

Electrical Wiring Troubleshooting, Diagnosis, Emergency Repair Services & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

At Simon Electric, it is our goal to ensure your electrical system is working properly. We will check for any loose wires or current issues that could be causing your flickering lights and work to fix them as soon as possible. Call us today!

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