Why Would an Electrical Outlet Just Stop Working in Belle Glade, FL? How to Troubleshoot & Test

Do you have a dead outlet? Perhaps the entire circuit is dead, or is it the breaker? When you have an outlet that doesn’t work there could be a number of reasons why it won’t work. When you begin troubleshooting what the problem is you will first want to evaluate if the outlet is dead first. If you want to test to see if an outlet is dead or if the problem might be bigger, you will need a step by step guide. Simon Electric will walk you through testing to see if the outlet is dead and when to contact a professional electrician.

Supplies Needed to Troubleshoot a Dead Outlet

• A Small Lamp
• A Screwdriver
• Wire Strippers

How to Test a Deal Outlet Without a Multimeter?

Step 1. Before we get super technical, start by testing the outlet with a small working lamp. Make sure the lamp is turned on and plug it in. You can use any other electrical device that requires power to turn it on. If the lamp works then the outlet is fine, and whatever device you tried to use previously is what is broken.
Step 2. If the outlet does not work and if you’re new to the home, the outlet circuit may be connected to a switch. Look around for a switch. In older homes it may be well hidden as convenience didn’t always come first. Again plug in a working lamp while you begin testing switches. Older homes have these outlets that run on switches for desk or table lamps. However, they are not common in modern homes. If you find an outlet runs on a light switch and you want it changed you can have the outlet rewired.
Step 3. Is the outlet a GFCI? These outlets have an emergency cut off system which turns the power off to prevent electrical shock. Often you need to push the reset button. GFCI outlets will have two buttons in the center of the outlet. You will need to hit the reset button. GFCI outlets should be in every bathroom, kitchen, garage, and used for all exterior outlets.
Step 4. If it is not a GFCI outlet then check the breakers. Go to your electrical panel and look for the breaker that the outlet runs on. Try flipping the breaker to the off position and then back on to reset the power to the entire circuit. Most breakers are labeled if the electrician did his job right when installing the home electrical wiring.
Step 5. If you have some experience with electrical work you may need to tighten the electrical connection. Take the outlet cover off, and unscrew the outlet out of the case. Check to see if any wires have come out or are partially in. To safely tighten the wires make sure the power is off to that circuit first. If you are not comfortable around electrical wiring or are fully aware of proper electrical handling procedures, contact an electrician to repair your outlets.

Electrical Wiring, Fixture Installations & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

If the problem is beyond a dead outlet or you need help replacing the outlet, contact a professional electrical service. Simon Electric provides electrical inspections, repair and installation services. For all of your electrical needs, contact Simon Electric today.

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