Are Dimmer Switches Worth it in South Bay, FL? Dimming LED Lights Save Energy & More

When you don’t have any way to control the lighting in your home, you may be missing out on several lighting benefits. With the control of your lights, you have the power to choose how bright or how dim your lighting is at any time. You can achieve this several different ways, and all of them have their own benefits. Simon Electric is here to talk about the different types of dimmers you can install and the benefits that come with the ability to dim your lights.

Types of Light Dimmers

If you are looking for ways to control the brightness of your lighting, there are a few different ways to do so. Following are the most common choices:

  • Integrated Dimming System: These systems make it simple to control the light in your room. You can program multiple presets so that with the help of a button or a wireless control, you can get the exact brightness you desire with a simple push of a button.
  • Slide Dimmer: You can have a dimmable switch installed in your home that has a slide you move up and down to control the amount of light in the room.
  • Touch Dimmer Switch: These systems have a preset light brightness setting and with a simple touch, it adjusts the lighting to those presets.
  • Rotary Dimmers: These dimmers are a little outdated with a dial that turns to control your lighting. Rotary dimmers are generally found in older homes.
  • Scene Controls: This a more complex way to control the light in your home, but when you have scene controls, you can preset multiple lights in the home to create configurations that will be achieved by simply pressing a button.

Benefits of Dimmer Switches

There are several benefits that come with dimmable lighting in your home. Following are just a few of them.

  • Energy Savings: Many people enjoy the savings that come from dimmable lights. If you have halogen bulbs, you can plan to use 20% less energy when you have the light bulb dimmed. You can also plan on a halogen bulb lasting 5-6 months, but when you dim the light bulb, it can extend its life up to three years.
  • Ambiance: Whether you are trying to set a romantic tone for you and your date, or are trying to watch a movie but don’t want the bright lights, dimmer switches will help you achieve whatever ambiance you are looking for instantly.
  • Better Sleep: If you have a hard time falling asleep, dimmer switches may be the answer for you. When the lights are dimmed, people find that they are able to fall asleep much faster than a room that is completely lit.

Electrical Services & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County, Florida

If your home doesn’t have any dimmable lights and you are looking for that feature, you can count on the training and experience of the electricians at Simon Electric to install them for you. We will help you achieve your lighting goals. Call us today!

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