Common Home Electrical Problems in Canal Point, FL; Loose Outlets, Short Circuiting & More

A home’s electrical system isn’t without flaws. Like any feature in a home, the electrical system will develop problems and require basic to major repairs over time. Most people are unaware of these common electrical problems and they often go without proper maintenance. Simon Electric would like to share some of the most common electrical problems in a home and how to detect and correct these problems.

Loose Electrical Outlet

Have you ever plugged in an item only for the plug to fall out of the outlet? This is a common problem and indicates that it is time to replace the outlets. When an outlet is frequently used, it is common for the prong holes to get worn down. This is why the plug fits too loosely inside the outlet.

Outlet Box & Cover Not Flush with Wall

Another common problem is when the outlet isn’t seated in the wall properly. The outlet will either stick out slightly or wiggle around. The outlet just needs to be secured or tightened down. If the outlet box is damaged, it may require replacement.

Broken Light Switch

The common light switch has a small plastic piece that sticks out of the opening. It goes up and down to turn the light on or off. This plastic piece is prone to damage since it sticks out and in time, requires replacing. Replacing the light switch can be done quickly by a licensed electrician.

Short Circuiting

Short circuiting is basically when a circuit line trips. A circuit line will trip when the line has a power surge or begins to overheat. Short circuits mostly occur in heavy appliance lines such as the washer and dryer machine, the refrigerator line, or the HVAC line. In some cases. the fuse has blown out to that circuit and may need to be replaced. Often after retesting the breaker and power is still out, the fuse needs to be replaced.

Flickering or Dimming Lights

When lights flicker or seem dimmer than normal, it can be due to a loose connection either at the point of the light fixture or at the light switch. Another common problem with dimming is low voltage. When the lights go dim when a large appliance is running, this could indicate you need an electrical upgrade. Many homes today need 200 amps and most of those homes have between 100 to 125 amps. This may not be enough.

Burned Out Light Bulbs

When you have to keep replacing light bulbs, this can be caused by a number of problems. Often the bulbs used are not the right amps for the light fixture. Another common problem is a loose connection to the light fixture. Rouge power surges can also be burning out the light bulbs.

Light Switch Warm to Touch

When a light switch is warm or even hot to the touch, this is actually a bad problem to have. Mostly common in dimmer switches, warm light switches indicate a damaged wiring connection and is growing hot. It can get hot enough to start a fire.

Electrical Wiring Services & More in Delray Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter & Boca Raton & Palm Beach County Florida

Even though some common electrical problems can be easily fixed and may not seem very hazardous, some are. Loose connections or hot electrical lines are bad news and require immediate attention. If you have electrical problems and require professional electrical services, contact Simon Electric and schedule our service today.

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