How to Tell if a Circuit Breaker is Bad in Riviera Beach, FL; Won’t Stay Reset, Burning Smell from Panel & More

A home’s primary electrical safety system is the circuit breakers which are housed in the electrical panel. A circuit breaker is a device that controls the flow of electricity through their circuit. If there is an anomaly or a power surge detected, the circuit breaker will trip cutting off the flow of electricity. If the circuit breaker isn’t functioning correctly or is wearing out, it is important to replace the breakers to ensure your home’s electrical safety. Simon Electric will share the common warning signs of circuit breaker failures to watch for in order to help you know when it is time to replace the circuit breakers.

Burning Smell from Electrical Panel

One major warning sign you should never ignore is a burning smell that seems to be coming from the electrical panel. When there is a burning smell this is a sign that the wiring and its insulation has become overheated. If the wiring and insulation has overheated and has begun to burn, then at this point the circuit breaker has failed. Shut off the power to your home immediately and contact your electrician. The breaker may need to be replaced along with the damaged wiring and insulation.

Circuit Breaker Won’t Stay Reset

If for the past few weeks or even months of resetting the same circuit breaker and it will not stay on and will shut off over a short period of time, there is a problem that needs investigating. If a breaker keeps switching off this is a clear sign that the circuit breaker has worn out and is due for a replacement. To be sure that it is the circuit breaker, unplug everything on that circuit and see if it turns off. If it turns off without anything drawing power from the circuit, then the breaker is dead.

Visible Damage to Circuit Breaker

Another warning sign that you should never ignore is visible damages and not just to the breaker but also scorched marks on plugs and outlets. Burn marks indicate that the breaker has failed to prevent an overload. If there is burn mark on the outlet often the wiring has also overheated and has melted. You can even see melting marks around the breakers. When you see visible burn marks, melting, or other damages that shouldn’t have been present, the circuit breaker may need to be replaced, and the damages inspected and possibly repaired.

Electrical Panel Age

Another warning sign you should also take under serious consideration is age. “If it’s not broken why fix it”? This is a phase that should never be connected to your home electrical safety system. As the breakers age they become a great liability. Breakers over 10 years old increase your home’s risks. If you have never replaced your breakers and it has been over 10 years, you may want to have them replaced. By keeping the breakers fresh, you will ensure their effectiveness and improve your home electrical safety.

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Replacing circuit breakers isn’t expensive and is a worthwhile investment to your home’s safety. If you notice any of these breaker warning signs or experience complete failure, contact Simon Electric today.

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